Saturday, January 8, 2011


I know whyy people drink
feelin freakin awesome compared to an hour ago & intake (with alcohol & minus purge) is about 800 and I'm ok with that~! because  its not  changing 

I got upset with and argument with matt &went and ate & purged and then parents started screaming and stuff and I couldnt deal but I couldnt fid pills so I went and drank and WOW nothing just seems to matter at all, well it does but it's not a big deal & tv has never been this fascinating before xD I NEVER watched tv and now I can just sit and stare lol 

I wish I'd been able to find pills because less calories but I couldt  but its ok cause I feel ok now, weird but ok, I kinda wish I could go drink more but Im afraid any ore will be noticed missed


  1. *hugs*
    *glares at matty*
    *prepares sneaky stealthy gonna-kill-ya trap for evil parents*

  2. *hug* if I am never not working or in school I would drop everything to go get you at the airport, just gotta tell me when your there.
