Wednesday, January 19, 2011

 Last night in art class this girl (do not know her btw) grabbed my waist and goes "OMG YOU'ER SO TINY WHAT DO YOU EAT WHY CAN'T I DO THAT??" .......
I nearly smacked her.
Then I made sure to eat my avocado half next to her later.
I'm still not sure if I'm glad I refrained from saying "This is what I eat, maybe if you weren't shoving a cheese burger and chips in your face you could do it" or if I wish I had.
There is a boy that sits across the hall in this same class that just ticks me off. At the end of the three hour class the teacher walked by him and stops and says "Why is your paper blank?" he says "I can't draw" first of all THIS IS AN ART CLASS WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE IF YOU WON'T TRY TO DRAW????? Second, this is a loud mother f*ker that was yelling at everyone about how beautiful his drawings were. *fume*
The girl that sits next to me is an idiot. Well, maybe not a total idiot, but she's a herd animal for sure. She agreed with EVERYTHING I said. When people talk to me, they can usually get me talking. So, she did and I was, then she commented on my 'different' drawing style, I said "I like starting with the darker shadows and moving from there because when I first started it was always hardest for me to get black into the shading, and I really don't like doing line drawings, I think when you're doing realism it comes out looking more natural with little to no line drawing" and she goes "Oh yeah I hate line drawing too" and I look over and she has three bold line drawings with minimum shading. Uhm, ok? I said something about the new school food she says, "I'm just going to wait to see what other people think of it before I decide" and when I said something about me being weird (comment about having seven packs of gum and two empty water bottles in my bag) she said "Oh yeah me too, I'm a real weirdo" I didn't talk as much after that. I don't think I've EVER met such a sheep.

So, Matt got drunk last night while we were on webcam. It was the funniest thing, first I kinda didn't want him to because I'm so used to people turning into asses when they are drunk and I was not in the greatest mood anyway. Well. He went on a rant about wanting to clone me lol and when he saw me wince at somthing he said, he guessed my thoughts right away "and I'll remove every micromolecule of fat from the both of you"
he talked about us living together too.. oh god I miss him so much.. it'll be at least two months before I see him again..
We stayed up till 3:40somthing and I'm really freaking tired, but it was worth it. He is the most adorable boy I know. Heh, his dad made him get his hair cut and it came out last night that he "don't like it 'cause it's too boyish" and he wants his long hair back. Not ganna lie, I love his hair long too, the short is cute (and yes, boyish) but his hair just looks so gorgeous when it's long.. It's the most beautiful golden brown in the sun..

I'm having a can of coconut milk today, 2g carbs per serving, five servings, I'm supposed to limit to 20g carbs I think? or was it 15?.. anyway that's ten and I had one in breakfast in cheese. So, my calorie count will end up around 500 again most likely. Maybe I should try to just have half the can... meh aiming for under 500. I wonder how coconut milk in coffee is..


  1. I love the poem in your profile. It really speaks to me. It speaks to how I feel every fucking day. Thank you - I really needed the empathy today.

  2. Its always the long hair! Gotta love it. Have a good day...
