Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yay laxatives, diet pills & hair dye!

I got my mom to agree to a temp black hair dye, gonna do that tomorrow. Pretty exciting. 

Snagged this while we were out grocery shopping today. Yay diet pills!

Uhm, 92.3 today >.> not sure how, I didn't eat much yesterday.. So, I took one of those ^ with lunch (no breakfast) and I'm just going to have tea for dinner. Maybe some of those sugarfree 'may have a laxative effect' candies. (look for it on the back of sugar free candy, it means the sugar substitute they use absorbs water & doesn't get digested so it gets in the colon and makes you crap).

40 cal for 5 pieces, which means 1 has less than ten cal.
I got some rice milk, I've been wanting to try rice milk since I learned it existed, don't judge.


  1. Hope your hair dye looks nice, I'm sure it will :)
    Do diet pills have bad side effects?
    your arms are really skinny!
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  2. Good luck with the dye I'm sure it'll look awesome. I've wanted to try diet pills, but I'm always too embarrassed to buy them! lol

  3. I bet your hair will look great!
    Oh wow... I didn't know that... I need to buy some sugar free candies! (:

  4. Good luck with the hair!! Once you start dying your hair, you can't stop, its lovely!!

  5. OHMYGAWD I wish we had that flavour here! Caramel+Coffee=DIVINE!!

    I'e been contemplating buying more laxitives again. The horrors from my last love affair with them have receded and my bowels are back to normal, so it must be time for more punishment, lol!

    I'm not quite sure how the manipulation of insulin causes the weightloss, but I do know that insulin resistance (Caused by long term C&S bingeing) causes you to gain no matter how little you eat :( I don't wanna fuck up and end up diabetic, since it runs in my family.


  6. Wow! I LOVE your blog! I'll be following it for sure! I am new to Ana so please follow mine as well... I'll be needind some extra support!

    Lots & lots of love


  7. Thanks for the comment! Hope to keep hearing from you!!! <3

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