Friday, April 29, 2011

Itouch help?

I've made up my mind. I'm getting a new itouch. Anyone have any must-have apps for me? Of course I'm looking mostly for weight apps, but anything you like really. Especially if it's free.
I found one that I simply must share with you, Fashion Network Original in lifestyle. You get to watch runway shows & keep up to date with models.. I plan to become slightly obsessed with this as it looks like a great source of thinspo.
I also have Bmi+bodyshape, Lose It, iGoal, and Water Your Body
For 'other' Pocket Creature, Doodle God, Pocket God and Pocket Ants (because I remembered this Ant game I had on the computer when I was little and got nostalgic)
I plan to get a twitter. Any of you girls/guys have twitters? I'm not sure tumblr is really going to work out for me..
I also created a new email that doesn't conflict with my others, since I don't have a Yahoo address (that I use)
I tried to make a google one, but it signs me out of here, google and youtube when I go to check it, so I end up never checking it.. I like leaving everything on 'signed in' on this comp. So, Yahoo! lol

I've got a model thing going on lately.
Ariana, its telling me your blog no longer exists.. :((


  1. MY FITNESS PAL - an awesome app. I also like the FHM app - I think its more for men lol but I like it for thinspo :) Congrats ont he new ITOUCH!



  2. Hey lovely
    Have you got blogbooster? Thats the one I use for blogging, there's live profile-an msn/bbm type thing. The weightloss one I use is fitbuilder, I think it's 4.99 but I got it for free, keep an eye out for the free ones.
    Jen Jen

  3. here's my link!! thanks so much!

    Remember, you can just enter random letters & numbers in the boxes! You can also vote more than once on different computers, computer screens, or web browsers! (ie. Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari.. ect.) Just click the link.

  4. FitDay. Keep a running count of calsin/calsout ;)

  5. Yes Myfitnesspal!! The database contains all the foods you could ever imagine and every type of exercise and cardio activity. Also, you can be friends with other people to check their progress and such. And it's free :-)
    If you get it check me out and friend me, my username is FrancineN!

