Saturday, April 9, 2011

I don't know what to think of this..

Theres this girl I met at my school, shes so tiny, perfect thigh gap and she's sooo cute. She's been kinda acting like she like... I don't know, she watches me all the time and kinda half imitates me, which makes for some really weird things because thats usually what I do.. I'm constantly catching her watching me and vis versa. 

I tried my pickled carrots, the vinegar taste is pretty strong, but they're not terrible. 

It's finally stayed warm for like 4 days in a row! I've been mostly on just liquids for three of those days. I'm so totally going to be under 92 by Tuesday! I was 92.4 yesterday morning, if I am, I'm a week ahead of my schedual, wouldn't it be great if I were 88 on my bday & 87 by the time matty got here?! I can't believe I'm so close, I'm so going to hit 85 this summer!! I love that its warm, I haven't gotten cold at all, actually, I was too warm while I was walking this morning, that just means I need to fast more so I'm the perfect temp instead of too warm! I'm super excited if you can't tell. 


  1. Woah, that's.... well they say imitation is the highest form of complement so... you two are caught in a never ending vortex of complement? You should go up and talk to her sometime.

    Congratulations on being ahead of schedule!

  2. Ohmygods those pictures were amazing! Thank you so much for the boost <3 I like slicing carrots and putting them in a ziplock bag with a squeeze of lemon juice and a little water to marinate while in class. By lunch they're soooo good!

    Today has been pretty damn good so far, thank you for the wishings! :D

    Hope you have a good monday <3
