Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I was all ready to fast today because I was sure I wouldn't be under 92, but I was! Just barely, so I'm restricting, not over 400 today, but omg I'm happy! I'm still ahead of schedule and I'm going to stay ahead so I'm 87 when matt comes! <3<3

Less happy about losing my damn phone though.. I have no idea where the damn thing might be.


  1. Cograts on your weight loss and being ahead of schedule! That must be very encouraging- doing something faster than you thought you could. Keep up the awesome work & I hope you're able to find your phone!

  2. You are totally my inspiration for this week. I need to stop being so static and get down to 93!

  3. omg well done!!! your an inspiration!!!

  4. congrats on the loss! I'm definitely jealous : )

  5. ahh you're so inspiring! Much congrats! I"m so jealous! I'd die to be where you are? What all have you been doing? & How tall are you?
