Thursday, November 18, 2010

Miracle of miracles,

she whispered "98" today.
Now if only I'd been able to go to the Harry Potter premiere...
that would have completed the perfection.
(just feel the need to point this out, Emma Watson = first celeb crush lol)
Mom says it would get me too 'run down' and that she wants to go see it with me.. 
We went to see all the others together after all.
Sounds kinda sweet right?
Take into consideration that at the time I HAD no friends to go see it with 
and it's no longer quite so sweet...
I'm ganna ditch her anyways and go see it with V sometime
might even get a makeout session during the credits heh
Matty doesn't mind (thank god, as bad a flirt as I am)
actually a direct quote;
"As long as you tell me about it afterward so I can masturbate to it, hell go have an orgy! Just make sure you describe it in vivid detail, no skimping, I know how good you can be with words," 
We have a deal, since we're so far apart we're allowed to erm 'mess around' as long as we tell each other.
Surprisingly (well, surprising if you're going off girl/guy stereotypes and not off actually knowing us) 
I've taken advantage of this more than he has...
Physically, yes he's the male, everything else.... 
Which reminds me, we're dressing him up (he already has the outfit, purple skirt, striped tights and a black V-neck knit shirt), re-plucking his eyebrows and doing his makeup when I come in January. 
I'm still unsure which of us is more excited lol
I found out he wants to become androgynous so he can choose to look male or female on any given day, he's going to be taking hormones to help with this. 
This is ganna be fun :)

haha it's a good thing how open minded I am, and that I've considered myself pansexual since I learned what it was. 
and I've always had a thing for traps... 


  1. I never heard the term pansexual before. I just looked it up--I like that.
    Matty sounds hysterical.

    Congrats on 98!!

  2. This post totally confused me so I'm going to yet you about this later... Be prepared lol <3
