Sunday, December 19, 2010

Forest Melody
I wish I could run away. I hardly ever see anyone I care about, I rarely hang out with any of the awesome people I know, no one relies on me for anything, it wouldn't be any dramatic impact on anyones life if I just disappeared.
    • Matt Ely Hi there, my name is Matt.
      38 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody Hi Matt. You're a big part of the reason I'm still here. If you leave though, you'll can find me in florida (if you ever decide to look for me) unbathed and living off fruit stolen from wherever they're growing.
      25 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody‎-can
      25 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody or the 'll, either one can be ommited, your choice really since I don't care
      24 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody also, add a space and an 'it' before the period, you know, if you wanna
      23 minutes ago ·
    • Matt Ely I like how most of this is you correcting yourself. I'm confused anyway, but I'm sure I'll just intercept you trying to leave and drag you to my house.
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody It's ok. I love you, so none of this matters, if at any time that stops mattering to you anymore then this will start to matter to me, but then it won't matter to you anyway, it won't ever matter for you, basicly, don't worry about it dear, it doesn't matter.
      14 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody No wait, the reason this doesn't matter to me is because you love me, if THAT stops THEN this will matter to me but it still won't to you. It amounts to the same thing though, it doesn't matter so don't worry about it.
      13 minutes ago
    • Matt Ely I'm.. so confused. We'll just leave it as "Matt loves Lynn, so she will not run away."
      10 minutes ago ·
    • Forest Melody pretty much yeah

Just a kinda funny little thing from facebook I felt like sharing. My name isn't Forest Melody anymore btw, I changed it a few days ago..

Yeah, so, my grandpa fell, hit his head on the ice and is in the hospital. He was bleeding pretty bad last I saw (right after he fell), at the hospital I'm told he was talking coherently and even making jokes, so that's cool. I haven't heard anything else and I don't want to make these things super depressing so, yeah, I'll make a post on it when I know more.
Also, home com is back, yaay.


  1. You'll run away to Florida cause that's where I live!! <3 I'm having so much withdrawal from texting you my love!! So expect a few when you can turn on your phone :)

  2. I'm glad you haven't run away. Deserted islands don't have internet access and I would miss hearing from you! I hope your grandfather makes a full recovery.

    Keep up hope!
