Wednesday, August 3, 2011

my dork

Lynn says (10:40 PM)
you watch, next time I'm there I'm not gonna be running down the stairs to get your coco puffs or eggs
Matty says (10:40 PM)
But then my puffs will be soggy and eggs cold!
Lynn says (10:41 PM)
then you better say sorry
Matty says (10:42 PM)
I'z sowwy I called you a bitch
i mean I love you
Lynn says (10:42 PM)
..bitch get your own damn coco puffs
Matty says (10:42 PM)
I'm not good at this.
Lynn says (10:43 PM)
No. You're really not.

<3 Him.
I got an award! Storyteller award started by Mich, given to me by the beautiful and always uplifting Cinnamon! Awmagawds I dunno what to dooo! T.T I'll try and think of something..
Erm, anyway.. my uti is pretty much gone, it got bad there for a bit though, fever and kidney pain and everything. But I'm good now. Found some cranberry supplements which I took along with my watered down cranberry flavored juice (mom failed, she got me a juice blend with cranberry at the bottom of the ingredients list and even tho it was no sugar added, still managed 35g sugar per serving, ugh).
Lets see.. so I've been doing ok, I'm at 91.4 lbs, I kinda sucked today though, carb craving so bad, I had chocolate rice cereal, and a doughnut, I don't really think I had enough to gain, but maintaining is not what I want.. I want loss, school is starting soon, I really want to be near 85 by then. He's under the 1st percentile for his age  >.> I'd have to be 83lbs to be there.. alright, thats my new goal. 83.
Exercise, do not eat junk. Veggies and eggs. Thats going to be my go-to meal, snack? Fucking carrots. We've got so many damn carrots I might as well eat them, screw liking them, they're healthy.
And don't tell fucking tell Matt. He might try to gain if I tell him he's my thinspo..
oh yeah, and I promised some pictures didn't I?

Yea, I failed, only took pics in the house & one in the car because the one time I remembered to bring it in the car I left it in there.


  1. Love the picture with him and the pipe! Looks sexy for you ;) <3 gotta love them boys with long hairrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. Guys are so hopeless! He's lucky you love him so much, the last guy who asked me to get his breakfast, got it dumped in his lap! I's a Beeeech!

    All the best for your back-to-school, weight loss! Keeping fingers crossed for low 80's for you! Eggs and veggies are a great way to go! My snack is strawberries! I'm currently having a serious love affair with a box of giant strawberries! At only 19 calories per 100g, what's not to love?! We're so spoiled here, because of the moderate climate, we get them all year round! What do you know, there is a god!

    I LOVELOVELOVE the photos! I want to download them and put them in my wallet, so I can brag and say "I know those awesome people!"

    Just so you know, you can keep the boy, but I'm coming for the cat! Kidding! Give the be-whiskered darling a kiss from me! Er.. that's the cat!

    Hope you have a great rest of the week. Love you, Pookie! <3. XXX.

  3. Kitty! Kittykittykitty!! Cuuute!
    Awww you 2 are beyond adorable.
    Yay for cranberries and being pain-free! And good luck on the weightloss. May willpower gods smile on you :)
    You can do it!
    (Just stay alive too plz?)

    Hey my word verification was joysing! Cool!
