Wednesday, August 17, 2011

day one, back to school

So, got my schedual. It's interesting. I have to take three p.e. classes, which I'm totally ok with. One first semester and two second. One of them is individual sports, which includes archery, which is awesome lol I'm gonna pretend I'm a blood elf hunter! xD
I have some other girl who came from night school in my lunch/study hall hour and math class, I have psychology first semester and sociology second. Two writing classes each semester, and wildlife biology. I'm going to miss my art class a lot though, I even asked if I could do art instead of lunch, apparently there's a state law that students have to have a lunch hour.. pissed me off..

Day one for diet, 300.
Planned breakfast-eaten- (one full egg (70)& one egg white (17) scrambled w/soymilk(30) ) so that was about 55 since I only had half.
Planned lunch-eaten-1c mixed berrys (80) and a few chunchs of dried papaya (30) and one square of dark chocolate (55) since I didn't eat all my breaky.

Haven't had the planned dinner yet which is a cup of veggies (50) and a half cup spaghetti sauce (30)
So, projected total, 300 on the nose.
Also, about to go swimming, so yay for burning cals there.
Edit~ went swimming, then went to subway, friend bought me a 6" sandwich without asking and I couldn't resist, I took off the top half of the bread though, and some of the meat and cheese. So, I kinda failed, but I'm about to go get on the treadmill and not get off till I've burnt 300 cal.
Also, I had an idea for the bucket of dried fruit my aunt bought me, I'm chopping it up and adding it to my teas to make super fruity teas! Its not that strange an idea, actually, since if you look at it a lot of teavanas teas already have dried fruit.
 (Why does dried pineapple have to be so delicious? Need to use that up quiiick...)


  1. All the best for the new school term, Love. This it! The last year before... SWEET FREEDOM!!!! I hope it flies by for you. <3. XXX.

  2. Yay school! Do very well and get out of high school and be freeeeeeee!! College is so much better! Even for a fuckup like me! The classes are so varied and you get more choice and no one makes you take lunch hours and you meet people from all over the world!

  3. WTF you guys have the most awesome classes!! Little Sis's schedule is similar, with exciting things like psychology and marine biology and screenprinting. It's horse manure!! Lol all we got in high school was english, history, math, science, and like no electives. We had "art," which was 32 kids in a classroom with 15 desks, some paper, and some broken coloured pencils.

    Yay for archery!! That's so fun. :D

