Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My personal irl thinspo

This is the girl I talked about awhile ago, in night school, the one that kept looking at me that was so skinny and it took me forever to work up the nerve to talk to her. Look at those itty bitty thighs! I feel like such a creeper xD I'm on her fb page every day since I got it..
I don't want to eat today, after looking at these. I'm gonna go walk on the treadmill and read a book till I get to at least 300 cal. I got to 260 yesterday & barely ate, so that felt pretty good. I want to get back to feeling fainty all the time, that floating-on-a-cloud-I-can-do-anything-wow-isn't-the-world-so-pretty feeling. I wanna spend the summer with that  feeling. Mostly I've been eating low fat-high protein cheese and yogurt, I really want to conserve my muscle while I still have a lot of fat so the fat comes off easier..
I really want it off my thighs.. I wish I could get ahold of a leg brace, I read someones confession on tumblr about hating that her therapists made her gain back leg muscle after she wore a brace because her legs looked so skinny and pretty when the muscle was gone..
So all over the place xD sorry, really just wanted to share my irl thinspo, because really, her legs!! Ugh.. I should try to set up a movie or something with her.


  1. OMG she looks perfect *.*

  2. Her legs are so perfect! Ah, I'd LOVE to have itty bitty legs like those!! You're not creepy at all- I see tiny girls pass by me and I try and stare at them without them noticing (I'm only staring at how skinny they are and wishing I was that skinny). Haha, I wonder what your bf would say if he caught you "checking out" other girls! :P

  3. Wow such a tiny thing. Such tiny legs! Pretty petite lil thing.
    If I sound jealous....it's cuz I am.

  4. wow, her legs are amazing. and her eyes are so big, i love them. girl crush.

  5. She's tiny! I want to be that tiny. I'm super jealous. I want my legs to look like hers!

  6. I'd love tiny little thighs like that! Alas, I kind of screwed myself on that one--horseback riding since the age of 3 tends to give you giant thighs. Even if they are pretty solid now, they still feel huge. >:(

    You're right about the brace. Casts do the same thing. I knew friends growing up who broke their legs and when their casts came off, the leg that was broken was like 3 times smaller than the normal one.

    You could always pay someone to break your legs.... or get run over on purpose and then you could sue AND get casts on your legs.
    (I spend too much time around lawyers.)


  7. I want her legs so so badly, I may try Mich's idea and pay someone to break my legs!

    Why have I not heard of this cheese before? I cut cheese out of my diet because of it's fat conetent, thank you for this!

  8. Holy crap, I'm jealous.

    Lol, your comment about Student health made me die laughing. Students here reckon we should get some credit towards our degrees for dealing with Studylink's assholery! XD

    Chicago is on my list now :D Even if there is no island we'll still have mango for breakfast.

