Friday, June 10, 2011


Matty confessed he loves when I tell him I like the way he kisses, apparently his ex had a problem with how he kisses.. he's slow and sweet.. it's how I imagined my first kiss when I was little, that soft, loving, magical kiss.. didn't end up being my first kiss (which wasn't great), hell, took me I don't know how many tries to find it, but I did with him.

I'm torn between happy (that he's so happy I like the way he kisses) and omfg I want to rip that bitches face off for everything she did to him. If I ever meet her... ooh she better watch it.
Another thing, a friend of his told me she cries now when she hears his name and has been trying to get him back because she misses him. He's fucking mine now bitch. Even when I'm mad at him I've never told him I didn't like him or insulted him. Her? She told him while they were having \sex that she was cheating on him. She broke up with him so many times, she played mind games and fucked with him for THREE YEARS before he finally left her for good.. that's how loyal he is. I don't plan to give that up. Fucking. Mine.
Even when he pisses me off I know I love him.

Light headed & tired rant, sorry if its not making too much sense. I miss him... stupid long distance..


  1. Matty sounds like a real keeper. You know it's a good match when you can still love someone and be pissed at them at the same time. <3

    And good kissers are very rare among boys. With most of them it seems like they're trying to suck your soul out of your mouth, dementor-style. I've always preferred a guy that kisses like they do in the old black & white films. :D


  2. Hand off, bitch, he belongs to Artist now!

    Lol, my first kiss was. . . interesting. I kept trying to spit his tongue out!

    Thank you for the luck wishings <3

  3. wow thats some intense love right there. Wish i had someone to love like that, your one lucky gal. so happy for you :D Jxxx

  4. Aww you love him so much ^_^
    It's great when you're in love, isn't it? :)

  5. Ahaha I love your rant! I get the same way and it's okay to feel that way. That bitch who Ty lied to me about, I swear if I see here...oooo that bitch is going down! lmao
    I'm so glad you found your perfect kiss! You two sound so cute!
