Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finally moving down again..

Finally. It's been too long, seeing that same stupid number on the scale just feels like such a fail, but today I was on the scale and... 94.7 down from 95.8 yesterday morning... I miss my 92...
I want a new low weight by my birthday, by the time I see matt, I HAVE to be skinnier than last time I saw him, so under 92 at least, but I really want 88...
Such beautiful low numbers for most girls, but for me? Nope. Sometimes I hate being short...


fuck shortness

belly ring is still doing good <3
neverfit, what do I do with my emotions? Usually I ignore them, but when they've built up too much... well, if anger explodes I exercise till I'm hurting, if I'm not talking to someone (cause then I just take it out on them >.>) sometimes I channel it into motivation to start a fast, or willpower to resist 'fuck no I'm not eating your food, I'm going to be skinnier and stronger than you so HAH'.
Sadness.. usually that triggers the binge mode..
I've never dealt well with emotions.


  1. Yay! Glad to hear that your belly ring is doing well! I hope it continues to heal marvelously. Pictures?

    Fuck shortness and emotions.

  2. How tall are you lovely? I have the shortness thing too, I'm 5ft 1'' and would kill for your weight! ♥
