Sunday, July 3, 2011


Always fun hanging out with people you havent seen since 14 pounds ago. Actually cheered me up quite a bit, him talking about how little I was and saying it was cute. I weighed in at 90.4 this morning. Was not expecting it, but cool. Ate a bit much today, friends party, meat and cake, less than everyone else at least.. will have to eat tomorrow because will be with friends pretty much all day... will try to mostly drink low-zero-cal stuff, intake illusion ftw.
Another fun thing, I did a backbend in my swimsuit and everyone freaked out so much like "OMG YOUR WHOLE RIB CAGE IS SHOWING" =D now it needs to do that when I'm standing up, and I want my belly gone, sunk in, nonexistent. Thighs too, need to vanish.
4th of july can fuck off >.> I need to break the 90s before thursday (4 days), I need to be under what I was last time Matt saw me. That's like, my biggest motivation ever, as any longtime reader knows lol its the one goal I manage without fail. So, 88 here I come. Will be exercising my butt off after school. Need to make more sugar free popsicles, they're so wonderful.
Good luck everyone, and special loves to commenters on my last post.. I really can't wait to get out of here. One more year. Moving on.


  1. That's so exciting! I hope you make your goal.

  2. You can do it :D
    You can do anything you set your mind to.
    Happy 4th of July :)


  3. Wow, you are awfully thin, but I'm sure you've worked hard to get there. Stay strong. <3

  4. Congrats love! You've beat me! Do it!

  5. Wow your so thin! Good luck!
    Lottie x

  6. oh my god! your so tiny! I'm excited for you!

  7. OMG SAME my ribcage does that too. BUT I WANT IT GONE TOO.
    OMG you are TINY! It's so frustrating for me hovering around the GIGANTIC 96-98 range.
