Monday, October 31, 2011


Stayed home today cause I got sick over the weekend >.< I didn't let it stop me from having a shit lot of fun though! This weekend was amazing, I felt like I ate a bit too much, but somehow I'm at 89 lbs today, so I'm not gonna stress over that! I ate a big (for me, less than most of the others) breakfast and kinda grazed the rest of the day. Nothing spectacular happened, but I was with Matty all weekend, so it was a super freaking good weekend. I'm just happy. Its a good feeling, I miss him, but I know I'm going to see him again. I'm glad my mom seemed content to accept that I was home safe and not question too much where exactly I'd been all weekend. I hate when she flip flops between overbearing caring and not giving a shit at all, but that's a rant for another time.
Gonna go make some berry soup :)
Blueberry green tea, stevia & frozen mixed berries. Great for a sore throat when you want something sweet.
So glad I checked the mail just now, I got Michs package! I'm so super excited, I'm about to read Underwood now! Oh, and I forgot to mention, I somehow lost my belly ring over the weekend, and the hole closed up. I'm debating on if I should let it heal and get it profesionally done later (after I reach 85lbs) or if I should re-pierce it myself now while it'll be easy. I kinda wanna get something to keep it from scaring and then wait, I never felt like I'd done it well enough and I think the motivation would be good for me.. but I'm still loath to let it go and give up saying 'Yea, I did that myself,' :/ 

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