Sunday, September 11, 2011


Tea Time is still on! Go to UTC/GMT and put in Thursday, September 16, 2011 at 21:00:00/9pm (no minutes) and then in the second one put in your location, and that'll be what time/day it will be for you. 
Hope this picture helps anyone who might be confused! You can also email me at or msg me on my tumblr I accept anon msgs if you're embarrassed to ask.. I know I get that way sometimes. Hit me up if you don't get something or with a request for the next date! I wanna talk to all of you lovelys, you can ask me whatever you want, ask eachother things, ask for advice or just talk about some random things! I want our chat room to be a haven for us, recruit whoever you want, go check it out whenever you want to see if someone else is in there (I just randomly have it open sometimes even now when I know hardly anyone even knows about it xD)
All the seniors were gathered into the cafeteria friday, and called by height to the gym, to line up for pictures. My friend seemed freaked out by the whole thing 'Its like a Holocaust, I wish I'd been sick today, oh god we're all going to die' she kept saying (I have some weird friends). I don't know if she was actually scared or not (but she was fidgeting a lot, so I think she was kinda creeped out) but she freaked me out a lot. I'm one of the shortest people in my class, so all my friends were gone and I was in the last group to be called, and I was a little freaked being alone like that. So freaked that I overcame my antisocial tendencies and sat next to someone, who thankfully turned out to be very nice. But anyway, the point of this is that the whole senior class was funneled into the gym and I ended up in front of some girl I hadn't seen in about two years, and she said my name, with a questioning tone, I turned around and she exclaimed "Oh my god it is you! Holy shit, when did you get so skinny? You're like, anorexic looking," All I said was that I lost weight from stress at work and that I'm not anorexic skinny. Because I'm not. But it still made me very happy. 


  1. BTW chick I will be late for tea, I am working :(

  2. OMGOMGOMG Ok, you're GMT, I'm GMT+12. So. It's Thursday 15th, right? So Thursday evening for me :D

    Honey, I'm there with BELLS on!

    Lol, I may even turn the camera on, but the mic is crap. Mind if I bring my knitting?

    Lol, I did the huggy thing too XD

    Wow, you live on a massive CONTINENT! I can't imagine being in a place where you can literally just DRIVE to another country. NZ is a string of islands, if I want to go ANYWHERE really metropolitan I have to get on a boat or plane -.-

    Love you <3
