Thursday, September 22, 2011


I apologize for not being in chat today.. I had to stay after school to take a test I missed & didn't get picked up till six.. and so completely missed it /omgIfailsohardandI'msosorry

Good points I love this site.
Did anyone else know celery had B6 & pantothenic acid & riboflavin (B2)? I had no idea. 


  1. If you do another chat let me know where and when! I'd love to join in, if I'm near a comp when you do it.

    That Buffy vs Edward video was fantastic.


  2. I wish I liked celery :/
    There's so many good things about it. If I like more vegetables, like celery and carrots and al sort of things, I'd have it so much easier :(

    Oh well.
    Stay strong girl!

  3. Haha this post made me laugh. I always think of celery as bland so bland yet you put so much thought into it. I only like it with blue cheese dip though.. =/ guess that's why I'm huge.

    Good luck with it all x

  4. The smell of celery makes me want to puke, dammit. Lol, maybe I should try purging with a celery stick? (That is so fucked up) I do love celery in a stew, however. It's the raw stuff I can't stand.

    I missed chat coz I was up late playing carcassone and eating sour gummy snakes with friends. Woooo. At least I kicked their asses XD

    Next week, for sure!

    Love you <3
