Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mommie Dearest..

I was arguing with her last night. I hardly remember what started it. I just know that it got to the point, as it often does, where she tells me how stupid my life choices are, because they're not in line with her values, because they aren't what she wants me to do. Ok, ok, I've heard this all before, noting to blog about here. BUT THEN, she does something she's never done to me before. This little line right here "Starving yourself won't make you worth anything," or maybe she said worthwhile. She has often hinted that she knows I try not to eat, but she's never done this before, she actively acknowledged the fact that I often don't eat, and frankly she might as well have said "I don't give a shit if you starve to death if you don't do what I think will make you worthy,"

1 comment:

  1. That is fucking disgusting.

    Absolutley fucking disgisting.

    If her values are what make a person worthwhile and they are the kind of values that lead you to be as morally bereft as to say things like that to a person who is hurting, TO YOUR OWN CHILD WHO IS HURTING, then her values are utter shit and so are the people who believe them and live by them.

    Simply by refusing to follow her values you have already proven yourself a better and stronger person than she is.

    I would go to the ends of the earth for you, but I wouldn't piss on fire to but that bitch out.

    Fuck her. Fuck mortgaging your soul and your joy to try to make people like her (ie. Scumbags) think you're worth something. You'll always be worth the weight of a dozen of her in platinum simply by continuing to exist.

    I really want to punch her and hug you. May I?

    Sending a ton of love and hugs to you, wonderful SAgirl *huggles*
