Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oopse I did it again...

So, just a few weeks ago my bf of 3 years broke up with me. Lied about wanting to date my friend, dated her, dumped her, and tried to get back with me. Made my first good decision, said no to him, then made the second good one, to continue with moving to Chicago even though I wouldn't be with him. Which I then immediately followed with a string of bad ones.
1. let a guy I'd just met know I was interested in him (because I knew he was interested in me)
2. say yes when this guy asked me out (how did I completely forget my resolution to stay single for a year?)
3. (this might be the worst) MOVE IN WITH HIM............ derp (I've known him for... four weeks now? Yea. Derp)
4. Have sex with him

So... I'm obviously having second thoughts about this dude. I've already decided to cut and run this weekend. I feel like shit. He pretty much adores me (he.. might have said he thinks he loves me >.>)... and he really is a great guy (and thank god because I moved in with him pretty blindly)... but I just can't deal with this. If I had waited longer.. this would probably work out. I'm just so stupid.
On the upside, who can eat with all this stress?
T.T I want my scale. I'm having scale withdrawals.

1 comment:

  1. *Tacklehugs* I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!

    I'm so proud of you for not letting him manipulate you! *High-fives*

    Oh, shit. Um, oops? Rather violent reaction to your bout of sensible descision-making there >.< Well, we do make mistakes. We are humans!

    That is tons of stress. Have a talk to him ok? Say exactly how you're feeling and stuff. Hard but necessary.

    Love you tons. Look after yourself, little missy!
