Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm sure plenty of you have gone through periods, long or short, of just not caring about interaction with anyone or anything for any reason. I'm not in the mood to seek out any kind of relationship, or maintain anything that anyone else has tried to build with me, with the exception of Matt.
This is probably not healthy, I got so excited thinking it was him when I heard my phone ringing that I actually cried when it turned out to be just an alarm. I mean, sobbing, red faced, pillow-soaking weeping, not just a few tears. Yet, if I'd thought anyone else would be calling, I wouldn't have even checked the phone. I haven't checked facebook in days. I'm not really even sure what I'm doing here, I guess I miss you guys and your understanding. Sorry I'm not very reliable..
Oh, and I've been turning back to the blade lately. I'm not really sure what to do/think about that one. Weird huh? You'd think I'd know what I thought since I'm the one thinking. 


  1. It's okay love. We will always be here :)

  2. *Massive huggles*

    Yup, those times happen and they DO pass.

    *More huggle attacks*

    Always here for you.

    Arohanui <3

  3. We'll always be here. It's ok. And yea, the social apathy thing (best term I can come up with) isn't all that much fun. Try to reach out to others tho. It's not possible for one human to be Everything for someone else, but good guys always try to be anyway, and then tend to crack under the pressure. So try to reach out to others for Matt's sake. He's a good guy.
    Love you <3
