Monday, May 21, 2012

New post so fast!?

Yea, but I had to say something about Andy, I feel the need to defend my sudden break with Matt, and I'm bad at recounting scenes like this too long after they happen.
So, the other night it was really dark and we weren't wearing much, and a car passed by and in the light he saw my scars and started tracing them with his fingers and I pulled his hand away and then buried my face in my hands, and he pulls them away and turns on the light and cups my chin so I have to look into his eyes and he said "Sweetheart, don't be embarrassed about anything with me, not ever, I won't ever judge you. In fact, right now I can't, when I was in high school I used to take my exacto knife and do this," and he traced an X over my heart with his free hand and then just held me..


  1. Oh gosh, that's intimate, but he does sound like a nice, caring guy and I really hope things work out for you!
    Btw, you mentioned your bird in your last post and I had no idea what you were talking about because I stopped reading blogs for a while and whatever, but the point is I looked back and you have the cutest bird I have ever seen! Like seriously!
    Lottie x

  2. *Hugs you tight*

    I don't have facebook any more, but I will email you when I get a chance.

    Take care, love you <3
